
We are proud to announce the launch of our new user platform, this is the genesis of many great things to come. On behalf of all of us here at Workerslife, welcome! We want to embrace the continuous development of technology and with this platform we will be able to take advantage of the latest technology and security tools to enhance your experience and for you to carry our message forward. What are some things to check out now?

  • -Register as a current policy holder of Workerslife;

  • -View a summary of all your benefits;

  • -View a detailed benefit statement, with all life assureds, cover amounts, beneficiaries and premiums;

  • -Update relevant information.

The aim of this first rollout is to establish a platform to enhance the interaction with you, our valued customer.

How to register and update your Workerslife policy?


Click on the continue button and follow registration instructions


You'll receive an OTP to verify your mobile number


You'll receive a link on your email, click on the link and answer security questions related to your policy.


View and update your details accordingly.

  • Disclaimer | © LifeTech All rights reserved. Workerslife is an authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of the FAIS Act. 

  • Call center: 0861 520 520